Developing New Diagnostics for Neglected Tropical Diseases with the Community and Key Stakeholders
Following the success of the first ISNTD Connect that focused on the need and potential of Digital Diagnostics in African low-resourced settings (recording available here), research with community and key stakeholders took centre stage in the second appointment, where Dr
Laura Donovan and Dr Kevin Baker, from Malaria Consortium, and Professor Salome Bukachi, from University of Nairobi, presented the findings from the field research in Africa.
In designing, implementing and evaluating new health interventions and diagnostics, including digital diagnostics, for NTDs able to effectively respond to gaps and unmet needs in primary health care systems, a particular attention has to be drawn to the understanding of how stakeholders and users are involved and the impacted by the new technology.
A vast array of qualitative methods help researchers to identify these unmet needs and to develop interventions, highlighting the fundamental role of community and stakeholders in the process of assessing the challenges and barriers of the health care system, and in the uptake of the new health intervention or diagnostics technology.
You can watch the episode here below: