The International Society of Neglected Tropical Diseases organizes the annually ISNTD d³ symposium, addressing the current gaps and collaboration opportunities across malaria, neglected tropical diseases and diseases of poverty to accelerate drug discovery & development, vaccine R&D and uptake, and diagnostics and surveillance opportunities.
This year, ISNTD d³ focused on recent developments, gaps and future needs of drug discovery, treatments and diagnostics in context of global health as well as broader challenges and hosted The Digital Diagnostics for Africa Network with speakers from different fields outlining the diagnostics gaps for vector-borne diseases and the challenges of febrile illnesses, and the potential of digital diagnostics as response to them:
– Diagnostic gaps and challenges for primary healthcare delivery in resource-poor settings Dr Prudence Hamade, Malaria Consortium
– Digital Diagnostics for Africa: more than filling the gap
Dr Aubrey Cunnington, Imperial College London
– Multiplex panels for the accurate diagnosis of nonmalarial febrile illness
Dr Samuel Duodu, University of Ghana
– Novel biomarkers to distinguish between causes of febrile illness
Dr Myrsini Kaforou, Imperial College London
– Development of rapid diagnostics tests for arboviruses and viral haemorrhagic fevers
Dr Joseph Fitchett, Mologic
Watch the full session, available here below:
You can read more about our research on digital diagnostics at this page: